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Top 8 classroom technology tools

During more than a full school year of remote learning, millions of educators and students participated in the largest distance learning experiment ever seen. New ...

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Team meeting around a Meeting Owl 4+

Hybrid collaboration tools for large businesses

Effective collaboration is essential for driving innovation and success in today's fast-paced business world. For enterprise businesses navigating the challenges ...

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In the News


Owl Labs’ Meeting Owl Pro Will Save Your Awkward Teleconferences

November 17, 2019

Make no mistake, Owl Labs has made a device that is an incredible upgrade for any company that relies on video conferences, especially where a remote worker is connecting to a physical conference room. Instead of staring at a packed table and trying to figure out who's speaking, Meeting Owl Pro does the work for you.


Meet the Meeting Owl Pro, and Owl Labs' Smart Meeting Room ecosystem

November 5, 2019

Owl Labs, maker of the Meeting Owl -- a smart all-in-one 360-degree video conferencing camera, mic array and speaker system -- has launched a more capable successor, the Meeting Owl Pro. Increased processing power and more 'smarts' in the new model will also enable extra functionality to be introduced in the shape of a Smart Meeting Room ecosystem through 2020.


The 10 best smart office products from CES 2020

January 10, 2020

A CES 2020 Innovation Award honoree, the Meeting Owl Pro is a 360-degree camera, microphone, and speaker smart device, ideal for business meetings. While sitting in the center of a table, the device's smart zoom-in function can identify, locate, and magnify the person speaking.

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