In 2022, those choosing hybrid work went up 16% compared to 2021. This makes offices more blended than ever, and we’re all working on perfecting hybrid meetings and collaboration with this new office mix. So how do you know when your hybrid workspace calls for an in-person opportunity?
We’ve taken a look at the data – and our own Owl Labs best practices – to help you figure out which scenarios call for which meeting environment.
How are you welcoming new employees?
Introducing team members in person is a nice way to make them feel settled in and to introduce them to others they will be working with, but it’s not so simple when you’re a global company (for example, Owl Labs onboards completely remote). Your new hire experience should engender a sense of company culture while also empowering them to do their best in their role.
But when it comes down to it, you should onboard your new employees in the environment where they will work on a regular basis. Introduce your in-office employees to the space where they’ll be every day and help them understand the norms of the office. Onboard your remote employees using a structured digital system that both helps them feel acquainted with your systems and keeps them acquainted with your team. And find a healthy balance between the two for your hybrid workers. Overall, make sure everyone gets a balanced onboarding experience that gets them comfortable working with others who are in different working environments.
Learning a new skill can be difficult, no matter what career stage you’re in. But professional development is a necessity across all points of your career, and businesses that invest in that development thrive.
Roughly 45% of employers have added or enhanced employee development strategies to keep up with the transition to hybrid work and ensure employee growth. And even here at Owl Labs, we provide remote opportunities for professional growth. But while there are many online courses employees can take, nothing quite beats bringing folks together.
If your company has the resources to bring your people together for growth opportunities, prioritize that. We’ve found that 49% of workers feel they will not be able to build relationships with leadership or be visible to the executive team members when working remotely. Your team will benefit from escaping the silos they often face.
If your team works in an agile environment, quarterly planning is a great time to get everyone together. Your quarterly meeting of the minds needs opportunities for strong input and lengthy conversation, both of which flourish on-site. Add in the occasional “watercooler” moment and sparks fly to ignite good ideas. As we learned in our 2022 State of Remote work, 49% of workers are more likely to ask the opinion of those they physically work with over their remote colleagues.
If your team isn’t able to meet on-site for your quarterly planning meeting, use technology to replicate the workshop sessions. Interactive tools like Jamboard and Ideaflip bring planning boards to the digital space so everyone’s ideas can live in the same place. Pair these tools with a virtual conference call to keep the conversation going and hear directly from participants.
Just like quarterly planning, GTM and sales kickoffs (KOs) require careful discussion and planning. When a meeting like this calls for bringing multiple disciplines together for a long-term project, gathering in person might be needed. Our Owl Labs team even convenes in person for our kickoffs.
Look at it this way: the projects developed in these meetings have the potential to make groundbreaking changes and/or profits for your company. Bringing your people together for a kickoff is a small investment when compared to the returns your business will see at the end of the year. Be sure to make space to include employees who aren’t able to attend in person!
Your employees are your number one investment. In fact, in many companies, labor costs account for up to 70% of all spending. And you invested in them for a reason. So why not bring them together to celebrate their successes?
If budget permits, it’s always a good idea to bring your team together at least once a year. Yearly or bi-yearly offsites are perfect spaces for team bonding, yearly planning, goal setting, and overall… fun! Our own parliament of owls does our yearly offsite in person to keep things interesting and make sure everyone is rewarded for their hard work. After all, when you’re spending all your time online, unplugging can be quite the treat.
From huddle rooms to boardrooms and everything in between, we’ve got you covered with solutions that take teamwork to the next level.
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